CSI360 Crime Scene Virtual Tours Logo
The Crime Scene Reconstruction Software Company


Experience the Future of Crime Scene Investigation with CSI360

At CSI360, we empower your agency to capture and reconstruct crime scenes in stunning, immersive virtual reality (VR). Our affordable 360° precision rotators and HDR upgrade kits seamlessly integrate with the Canon or Nikon cameras you already use, elevating your forensic photography to new heights.

Take advantage of our cutting-edge Tactical Pro II, capable of producing breathtaking 12,000 x 6,000 HDR panoramic scenes. This technology ensures that every detail is preserved, allowing you to explore crime scenes in unparalleled resolution and depth.

Whether you need to document traffic accidents, homicides, or create complete 360-degree walkthroughs of municipal buildings and public schools, CSI360 is the premier web-based SaaS platform designed for comprehensive crime scene reconstruction.

CSI360 was the first on-demand 360 software platform designed for crime scene reconstruction, now serving the police, sheriffs, the US military and the FBI.

Discover how CSI360 can revolutionize your crime scene investigations. Contact us today to learn more.
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CSI360 Sales Office

590 Highway 105 Suite # 276
Monument, CO 80132
Toll Free: (866) 902-3600

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm MDT
Saturday / Sunday + Holidays

Fast and Simple to Do with CSI:360 You start by taking (4) shots at 90-degrees apart of any crime scene. When stitched together, this captures a complete 360 X 360, floor to ceiling panorama. Upload your JPEG panoramas to the CSI:360 server and you can link the views together, add yellow evidence markers and field notes with just a few mouse clicks. Nothing else out there is better or faster at recreating crime scenes better than CSI:360.

Learning Curve: About 1 hr and 20 minutes CSI:360 takes less than 2 hours to learn. This includes learning how to take the 360 X 360 panoramic shots, stitch them, and upload them to your CSI:360 cloud account. Point, click, drag and save. Your crime scene has hot spots, crime scene notes, yellow digital evidence markers and floating maps and floor plans. The District Attorney's office will think your detectives "walk on water."

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